
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Defending Privacy of Personal Information Essay -- Internet Web Comput

Defending secretiveness of Personal Information Privacy does not bemuse a single definition and it is a concept that is not tardily defined. Information seclusion is an individuals claim to control the terms under which face-to-face information is acquired, disclosed, and used 9. In the context of privacy, individualised information includes each information relating to or traceable to an individual person 1. Privacy rat be defined as a fundamental human decent thus, privacy protection which involves the establishment of rules governing the collection and handling of person-to-person data can be seen as a boundary pull back as how far society can intrude into a persons affairs. The net profit offers many benefits but it also creates many threats that undermines our personal privacy. Concerns about vent of privacy are not new. But the computers ability to gather and form vast amounts of data and the Internets ability to distribute it globally magnify those concerns 1. P rivacy concerns on the Internet are centered on improper acquisition, improper use of personal information such as intrusions, manipulation, discrimination, identity theft, and still hunt of personal information. Today the Internet stretches our geographic boundaries and force us to recognize with global ethic based on moral principles held to be reasoned across the cultures. Due to the nature of the Internet, our personal information may be transmitted over the internet and that the transfer of personal information may be made to any country in the world, regardless of the completion of any data protection laws and regulations in any of those countries. defend privacy on the Internet It has long been believed that information is power. Thus, people collecting personal information in ... ...2. Privacy and forgiving Rights 2003 3. Herman T. Tavani, Privacy Online, Computers and Society, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1999, pp. 11-19. 4. A. Michael Froomkin, The ending of Privacy ?, Stanfo rd Law Review, May 2000. 5. CPSR electronic Privacy Principles 6. Daniel Lin, Michael C. Loui, Taking the Byte away of Cookies Privacy, Consent, and the Web Computers and Society, June 1998. 7. Herman T. Tavani, James H. Moor Privacy Protection, Control of Information, and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies, Computers and Society, March 2001 8. FTC Protecting Privacy and Security of Personal Information in the Global Electronic Marketplace 9. Jerry Kang Cyberspace Privacy A Primer and Proposal Human Rights Magazine, Volume 26, Number 1, Winter 1999. 10. CPSR Potential Threats to Privacy 11. An International stare of Privacy Laws and Practice

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