
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Industry Production :: Industrial Production Manufacturing Essays

Industry ProductionThe coordinate of industrial labor and the service industries ischaracterized by the prevalence of smarkforce, 30% beingll and medium-sizedcompanies (94% and 5.6% harmonise to 100 workers) thoug981 data), employing,however, only 70% of the workforce, 30% being monopolized by intumescent c ompanies(more than 100 workers) though these comprise only 0.4% of the total. This meansthat companies argon widely dispersed over the whole country, obviously withsignificant mess and concentration of labor, and more than half theindustrial comp anies operate at bittie more than workshop level, as is seen bythe small workforce in each production unit.On the other hand, the small number of plumping companies is explained by increasedconcentration, at that level also indicated by the spirited number of employees.There is only a limited number of reconciling companies (food sector and thetransformation of agricultural products), while monstrous companies tend to soundmul tinational. The charge of companies with foreign capital monopolizingspecific commodity secto rs (pharmaceuticals, photographic materials,electronics, cosmetics etc.) is further from rare.One particular kind of victimisation regards medium-sized companies, frequentlyderivations of small family-run businesses with a specialized production, whichas a result of management flexibility hand over succeeded in reconverting productionand using technol ogical innovations which, with increased competitivity, enablethem to penetrate global markets, in this way contributing to theconsolidation of the Italian image and presence throughout the world.The Industrial SectorsThe steel and metalworking industriesThe countrys sparing revival in the immediate postwar period was essentiallysustained by development and expansion of the basic industries, particularly thesteel industry, itself conditioned by the importee of raw materials such asores, scrap iron and coal.Membership of ECSC enabled the Italian steel industry, which had installed theintegral processing cycle, to attain extremely high levels of production thussatisfying increasingly greater domestic demand, such as that of the engineering scienceindustry, as well as the export market. Following put reconversion steel andmetal production is now stagnating due to the international economic situationdominated by strong competition from Japanese industries and plastics, windto overproduction in the principal European countries.The engineering industriesMechanical engineering production is extremely varied and includes companiessuch as shipbuilding, aerospace, carbuilding etc. with coordination compound work cycles,together with the manufacturers of simple tools. Component manufacturing is alsowell veritable and cl osely allied to companies producing durable goods noteasily classified in any one sector (for example, non-metallic materials used inthe car industry rubber, glass, plastics etc).In practice, mechanical engineering with its diversification and multiplerelationships with other industries is considered the spinal column of the nationalproductive system also in terms of the large workforce employed (over 2,2

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